We Are All Storytellers

8733255-Clegg in cab
photo by @Kate_Day

Today is the day in more ways than one. As I type this, the nation is a little uncertain as to how the country is going to be governed after this morning. Cleggmania fell short of delivering and now the Digital Economy Act looms ever greater.
It’s the early hours of the morning the TV pundits are wondering whether deals will be made or a minority government will limp ahead.
On the brighter, perhaps more hopeful side, a collective of image makers will be descending upon Derby for the National Photography Symposium 2010.
It’s the second national photography symposium by Redeye and Format and proves to be a very interesting event indeed. Not just because politically themed conversations will no doubt lace the day but because there will hopefully be other uncertainties eased and inspiration nurtured.
My job today will be to talk about new opportunities in New Media. Especially within social media. How photographers can not only become more sociable with their media but how perhaps they can evolve the way they capture images and share their stories.
Nurturing your niches as well as your networks will enable you to thrive in whatever avenue of photography you have chosen.
If you are attending today and use twitter.. I am @Documentally
My own Posterous blog is at Documental.ly and my main blog is at OurManInside.com
I will be cramming a lot of info into a very small chunk of time so please stop me for a chat over the next couple of days should you want to know more If we don’t get the chance to connect in real life.. add me on any of these networks should you want to hook up in the future.
The hashtag for the event is #nps2

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